Lux-Log for Windows v2.01 by Norbert Oberweis - LX1NO / KM6RY (Copyright 1994-1996 Simply-The-Best) Copyright statement This software is Freeware which means, you are not required to pay any fee in order to use it. You are not allowed to ask any so-called contribution while distributing except to cover mail expenses. These must not exceed the value for a normal letter. You are not allowed to change any of the accompanying components and any distribution of the package has to be done as it. Removing or adding modules has to be discussed with the author. You may not claim the author responsible for any loss of data due to programme failure as a result of third party manipulation. License agreement Lux-Log for Windows has been written using Powersoft's PowerBuilder. There is no fee on the image copy and you are free to make as much copies as you want to. Hardware/Software requirements Unfortunately, Lux-Log for Windows, compared to Lux-Log for DOS, does no longer run on simple equipped hardware. This means, Lux-Log for DOS could easily be run on any 80x86 processor whereas Lux-Log for Windows requires not less than a 80386 processor. To work comfortably, a minimum installation would include a 80486 processor and some 8MB of RAM. A fast hard-disk drive would help to improve performance. Lux-Log for Windows has been designed running MS-Windows v3.1. I had no possibility to check it with MS-Windows v3.0. Tests on v3.11 and Windows 95 did not show up any faults. In order to run, a total of 11MB of files has to be installed. There does only exist one big file which holds all the necessary data. Loosing this file results in loosing all your data! First start-up In order to install Lux-Log for Windows, run the SETUP program from within your Windows environment. All will be done automatically. You may want to change the path to your Windows directory or the access path to Lux-Log. In case you choose other settings than the default values, you have to check the path settings in ODBC.INI which can be found in your Windows directory. In order to start-up Lux-Log for Windows properly for the first time, run the software and have a look at the help function to find detailed instructions. Points of contact snail: Norbert Oberweis / 5, Cite Oricher-Hoehl / L-8036 Strassen / Luxemburg email: AX.25: LX9EG @ LX0PAC.LUX.EU